As a vegan marathon runner and triathlete, I struggle to understand why anyone concerned with their health and athletic performance would ever consider not being vegan. However, my biggest struggle is trying to work out why anyone would think that “enjoying themselves” out in the town would mean paying for products of torture and murder and that your convenience is more important than the lives of others. Veganism isn’t a diet. It’s not something you do for you because you are not the center of the universe. Being a vegan is about acknowledging that you do not have the right to harm others and like racism or misogyny, it’s not something you do 80/20. You either think you’re whims and conveniences are more important than someone else’s suffering or you don’t. Please stop promoting the idea that this is a fad diet, or even worse that the vegan police will come after you if you’ve got a leather steering wheel. It’s just nonsense.